Member access made simple

Web app design


An organization made up of more than 2,000 employees, demographic of these users who uses the platform to access information they need ranges from 20s to 70s. In that end, we must create something that is simple and straight foward, keeping user flows as intuitive as possible. But first, we need to create empathy for the people we are building this for.


UI/UX Design
Product Design


To understand the members a little more, we sent out a series of questions by asking their purpose of using this platform. To paint a 10,000 feet overview, members visit the platform more than 12 times a year to access information such as news and updates about the organzation, network with others and find exlusive discounts.


The personality of this brand sould be inviting, positive, a sense of connectedness. We have decided to to use a combination of warm and cool colours to balance the primary colour of cyan. The addition of close-up candid photography creates a personal vibe that will connect with candidate’s dream working culture.


Working with the client and their users, we’ve conducted workshops to identity what the users needs by story mapping each feature OPPA provides. Using card sorting exercise, we’ve asked user to place where they would expect each feature will be located within the website. After everything is in place, we’ve identified which pages will share the same template and component to plan out how we will be designing and developing the application.


We’ve created and shared our wireframe prototype with users and tested it against our hypothesis. With several iterations, we’ve moved around layout of the content so it would fit what the users are asking for. We’ve been actively listening to the user’s behaviours to address their needs throughout the process.


After sprint planning and definition of done is completed with the client and the team, we've went underway with design. My philosophy in design is how can we achieve with less, creating a design system that is flexible and re-usable while maintaining simplicity and elegance in the experience is at to top of our priority.
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